Emergency Sleeping Bag Camo with Nylon Stuff Sack Survival thermal Blanket Body Warmer for Outdoor, First Aid, Camping Gear

Item No.: 28111405

Categories: Camping / Tent & Sleeping Gear ;
SKU: 28111405 Categories: ,


Product Specs
Product Name
Emergency Sleeping Bag-Camo
Item No.
PE, Thickness 28 UM
Dimensions / Size
213 x 92 cm
138 g
Unit Packaging
Each product in a pouch

Sides sealed by black tape, size: 219 x 92 cm, thickness 28 UM material.

Keep warm, reflect 90% body heat back because of HeatEcho material

Protection against rain, wind & snow, waterproof and windproof

Made by para-tinder cord and a 120 decibel whistle for emergencies

Packed in a pouch, lightweight, easy to be carry

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